Investigations, Illuminations & Inspirations


Stephanie Winn, aka some therapist, muses about the inner wilderness, relationships, social issues, personal transformation – and suddenly finding herself a maverick in the spotlight.

Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Brain-food For Bleeding-hearts

If you want to be successful, your compassion must extend toward your future self, wanting the best for that person. And it must extend toward others, seeing all people equally.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

(Emotional) Intimacy For Hire: Civilization's First Therapists

Psychotherapy as we know it is said to have originated with Sigmund Freud. But for millennia humans have sought counsel from wise elders, medicine men and women, religious figures, hairdressers, bartenders, and, yes, prostitutes. Historically, prostitutes have primarily been women, and their roles have been denigrated.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

The ADHD Ripple Effect, Part 2: Depression

You deserve a shorter list. Learning to prioritize means learning what to let go of. We can't survive if we ascribe an equal level of weight to everything we ever think of doing.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

The ADHD Ripple Effect, Part 1: Social Anxiety

We weren’t the squeaky wheels. We didn’t get the grease. The social conditioning of our gender compelled us to try harder to at least look like we were paying attention, even if our minds were somewhere else.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Neurotypical Spectrum Disorder

Written in the typical style of DSM-5 psychiatric diagnoses, it highlights the absurdity of many social norms, and flips the script by portraying how an autistic person might view the social mannerisms and unquestioned expectations associated with neurotypicals.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Dear Young Empath

View the world honestly. Be circumspect, but not hypervigilant. Learn to discern between situations it is truly healthy to avoid, and those you need to muster the energy and strength to handle.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Imaginary Friends: Not Just for Kids

Here’s a handout I designed to help you build your own self-care toolkit. One side contains the examples and the other is a blank template you can fill with your own ideas.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

The Six Pillars of Self Care

Here’s a handout I designed to help you build your own self-care toolkit. One side contains the examples and the other is a blank template you can fill with your own ideas. Stay tuned for a podcast where I explain the approach!

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

When Life Doesn’t Seem to be Getting Any Easier

People living with episodic bouts of depression, bipolar disorder, or ADHD may sometimes find themselves filled with energy, optimism, and mental clarity, only to find themselves unable to complete a basic task on another day.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Logical Fallacies, Cognitive Distortions, and the Age of Misinformation

Logical fallacies are commonly defined as "an error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid." Those with formal training in scientific reasoning, nonfiction writing, debate, and other fields that require advanced critical thinking, have learned to spot the logical fallacies of critics and opponents, and safeguard their positions from being undermined by any fallacies in their own arguments.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Mood Tracking: How to do it, and Why it Matters

Research has demonstrated that the simple first step of tracking progress toward a goal improves the likelihood of achieving that goal. Reasonable, specific, and attainable goals can be easily incorporated into your tracking system, alongside other data that helps you parse out which lifestyle factors affect your mood and goal progress.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

How to Apologize

Our trust may have been broken time and time again. Although at times we may ourselves be the one who owes an apology, it is difficult to know how to offer someone that which we ourselves have not received.

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

The Three Times I Won't Treat a Couple

I want to see rapid progress for my couples. I want them to be done with me in a few months! After all, who needs a couples therapist when you've got a loving partner and a happy home life?

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT

Victim is Not a Permanent Position

"Victim" is a role: temporary, circumstantial and relative. One cannot be a victim without a story that has a beginning, a middle, and - hopefully - an end!

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Stephanie Winn LMFT Stephanie Winn LMFT


Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons.

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