Investigations, Illuminations & Inspirations
Stephanie Winn, aka some therapist, muses about the inner wilderness, relationships, social issues, personal transformation – and suddenly finding herself a maverick in the spotlight.
Reflections from Behind Virtual Bars
(I’m locked out of Twitter.) What constitutes “hate speech” in 2022, idea pathogens, psychological immunity, and the freedom-versus-safety dichotomy
An Open Letter to the Florida State Surgeon General
Medical policies should be evidence-based, not activist-driven.
Three Cheers for Sanity: Case Dismissed
How I faced every therapist’s worst fear and lived to tell the tale.
Gender Resource List, Updated
This resource list was previously lumped in with my disclaimer, FAQ & contact info post. People frequently ask me for gender resources so I wanted to offer this document separately.
Dear Detransitioners
You’re brave. You have done something some people go a lifetime without: admitting you were wrong after having invested your time, faith, money, effort, sense of self, and even your body. That’s rare.
The Felt Sense of Dodging Bullets
Life is always a mixed bag, and Earth exists somewhere between Heaven and Hell. Sometimes, it is what we make it.
Detachment and Liberation
Today, my splenic authority kicked in and told me what to do, and I felt liberated. All at once, I was able to detach myself from a situation I thought I was “supposed to” be involved in, only to discover that my participation there was completely optional and I was free to walk away at any time.
Harassment, Slander, and Other Distractions
In this case, the worst-case scenarios I fear involve damage to my career and reputation, so it’s helpful for me to review what I know about that.
So Your Kid Wants to Live as the Opposite Sex…
What follows is not medical advice. It is a series of ideas to contemplate as thought experiments that could spark other insights.
Vulnerabilities, Strengths, & Best Approaches for Autistic Gender Questioning Youth
The trick is to create the right social & environmental conditions to support their optimal functioning. Allow the autistic person to regulate themselves.
Disclaimer, FAQ, Resources, & Contact
Just a practical post for reference. Please review this before asking me a question directly, as it may already be addressed here.
Collaboration vs. Triangulation in the Care of Gender Questioning Youth
If we are to solve problems collectively as adults, we must restore a sense of respect, deference, and humility for the hard and complicated labor of love that is parenting, and ask ourselves how we can support parents returning to their rightful place as authority and attachment figures with the power to guide their children to a point where they truly are not needed anymore.
I'm Reactivating Twitter
For those who have been following the drama around activists threatening my career, I still haven’t heard anything from the board about it. My letter was forwarded to the compliance department, but there was no response.
Psychosocial Pandemics, Part 2: Psychological immunity to mind-viruses
We now see how it’s possible to think of oneself as playing a particular, helpful role in addressing what one sees as systemic problems, while altogether serving a different role when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture.
Psychosocial Pandemics, Part 1: Modern Psychotherapy and its Misconceptions about Systems Theory
We now see how it’s possible to think of oneself as playing a particular, helpful role in addressing what one sees as systemic problems, while altogether serving a different role when we zoom out and look at the bigger picture.
The Silencing of Dissent in the Mental Health Professional Community
This is why I still want to encourage all my readers to contact therapists directly. There’s important work to be done here.
Lessons from my First 15 Minutes of Fame
I can’t expect others who barely know me to go through the mental effort of imagining that perhaps my messiness that shocks and disappoints them is only the end result of a long day of devoutly conscientious efforts.
Nothing Real is Happening
You are stretched thin. You know the world will never stop supplying you with people in pain, and you will always have to be selective about who you take on helping.
A Note to Readers Who are Awaiting Responses to Me
It’s about the sheer brainpower to concentrate on sorting through them and processing each one appropriately. I could do this, but at what expense?
The Downside of Abstaining from the Oppression Olympics
If you need me, I won’t be in the games. I won’t be on the bench. I’ll be wandering off in the forest, miles away from the arena.